Wednesday, May 29, 2013

T-minus 10 days

A week and a half of class and a renal final exam is all that separates me from a 48 hour plane ride to Durban, South Africa. The trip is going to be a test of mental and physical stamina considering I have  63 hours before I can sleep in a normal bed. Good news is I got prescribed Ambien. Bad news is I was warned not to take it on the plane or I could end up a drooling sleepwalking zombie on an international flight! Probably sound advice considering I've never taken it before. Pulling an all nighter it is! :/ Well at least I get a full day in London and dont have to pay for a hotel room...

Turns out this is cape town not durban:

Google Maps

Flight Itinerary  leave Birmingham at 11AM --> Miami--> land in London at 6AM, leave at 7PM --> Johannesburg --> Durban international Airport around 10AM. 48 hour travel time before I spend my first day in Durban as a zombie!

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